Was It A Mistake or A Choice?

By Tom Grandy, Founder

Think about your last couple of callbacks.  Why did they happen?  Were you rushing to get to the next call?  Did you take a shortcut, hoping it would work out?  Did you make a mistake or did you make a choice?  There is a big difference between the two. Mistakes happen when we simply do something unknowingly wrong.  Perhaps we lacked the training or expertise.  If so, that was a mistake.  However, if we choose to take a shortcut while performing a repair, hoping the customer won’t notice, that is a choice! 

Mistakes can be corrected by simply admitting it and correcting the situation.  However, choices are a lot more serious.  Each choice we make to do the wrong thing has consequences.  As Joyce Meyers says, “We have the freedom to chose but we don’t have the freedom to choose the consequences.”  What is done in the dark will be brought to the light, it’s simply a matter of time.  If we have been going the wrong direction on purpose, it takes more than admitting it.  It takes asking for forgiveness and then consistently going a new direction. 

Character takes a lifetime to build and only a couple instances to destroy it.  Keep in mind someone is always watching.  It may be your customer.  It might be your boss.  It might even be your children.  Honesty and integrity are sorely lacking in today’s world, however it doesn’t have to be that way.  We may not be able to control how others act but we have total power over our own decisions. 

Doing the right thing all the time may not seem to pay immediate dividends but long term it wins every time.     

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