Getting Your Company Ready For The Next Generation

Author: Bill Kinnard

Short Description of the Presentation:

The process of selling a company is very detailed and time consuming.  The owner seldom decides on day he or she will sell the company and by the end of the week the sale is closed.  Selling a company takes time and planning.  This presentation will detail much of what needs to happen “before” the company can be offered for sale.

Definition of Succession Planning

Value of Documented Systems

Planning the Exit as Early as Possible

  • Business plan vs. Activity Plan


Wealth Transfer

  • Typical percentage of wealth lost via each succeeding generation
  • Why wealth is lost
  • How passion effects the sale


Typical Business Failure Rates

The Race Is Won or Lost in the Exchange

  • Training for the exchange
  • Keeping up the pace as you run the race towards exchange
  • Planning for the exchange


Valuation of the Company

  • Routinely have the company valuated (every 3-5 years)


Ten Action Steps for Successful Secession Planning

  • Ten Action Steps
  • Suggested timeline